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Financial Planning

As an independent, Fee-Only advisor, Cheryl Ober Financial Planning works solely for our clients.

Because no commissions are ever received, all potential conflicts of interest regarding compensation are removed. We do not sell any products and we do not manage investment accounts. This means you receive completely objective advice. Our approach is to provide solutions and direction to ensure you meet your life and financial goals.

At Cheryl Ober Financial Planning, we specialize in helping couples create a cohesive plan for retirement. Clients have the flexibility to engage us on either a one-time, as-needed or ongoing basis. We have no minimum account balance and no net worth requirements.

Your financial objectives may include:

  • Better financial organization
  • A worry-free retirement
  • Peace of mind through proper planning
  • Asset allocation and investment alignment
  • Understanding your household cash flow and how it will change in retirement
  • Deciding on a Social Security strategy
  • Understanding Medicare and when to enroll
  • Reduced tax burden
  • Ensuring your loved ones are cared for after you are gone

To help you reach these important goals, our services include:

  • Personal Financial Planning
  • Investment Consultation
  • Retirement Planning and Projections
  • Tax Planning
  • Cash Flow Planning
  • Debt Management
  • Social Security & Medicare Planning
  • Long-term Care & Retirement Living Planning
  • Life Insurance Needs Analysis
  • Estate Planning

Ongoing Services – Annual Financial Check-Ins (or As Needed)

For those who want ongoing access to a Certified Financial Planner™ professional, regular reviews of their portfolios and ongoing planning beyond the initial plan, Cheryl Ober Financial Planning offers Financial Check-Ins on an annual or as-needed basis. Life changes and so will your plan. This is an hourly review program that ensures your plan is always up-to-date. Fees for this service are based on each client’s unique situation.

Benefits to you with our Ongoing Services:

  • Ongoing advice by someone who understands your specific plan
  • Ongoing answers to all your questions
  • Help when you need it
  • An updated plan according to current tax strategies
  • A rebalanced portfolio
  • Peace of mind that the details are covered

Want to learn more? Cheryl invites you to contact her directly at 612-355-1275 or complete the Contact Us form to find out how Cheryl Ober Financial Planning can help you plan for what matters in a manner that works best for you.